Hi all, thanks for coming to my webpage to find what I do in Balaklava and surrounding districts.  I am a Group Fitness Instructor, specialising in Strength For Life, M-Swing and Gymstick.

I am a Massage Therapist offering Remedial and Relaxing massage.  I have done some training in cupping if clients would like to try this.

I like to look at the whole body and assess your movement patterns, working in areas to release and realignment where required working towards better functional movement

Book now on StrengthMassageFitness Facebook page

Fitness - Group Fitness, M-Swing


Remedial and relaxing

Strength - Gymstick, Group Fitness

Movement is important especially as you get older. Our service offers movement through Strength, Massage and Fitness as we work to improve and maintain your functional movement.

Strength For Life
Massage and Myotherapy